Informative campaign of the Police of Roses on the regulations for the circulation of electric scooters and similar
Last October, the municipal plenary of Roses approved the modification of the Traffic Ordinance to regulate the use of electric scooters, segways and other Personal Mobility Vehicles (VMP) in the population, with the aim of transitabilitat and improve safety tip all you users in public.
With the arrival of good weather, with which the use of this type of vehicle increases, and thinking about the next summer season, the Area of Citizen Security of Roses launches an information campaign consisting of the distribution of information sheets by patrols to users of scooters, segways and the like. In addition, it has contacted the rental companies of these types of vehicles, to have their collaboration in transferring this information among their customers.
The campaign focuses on the most relevant aspects of the ordinance, such as the prohibition of driving on sidewalks or pedestrian areas, the mandatory use of approved helmets, the need to respect the rules of the road where transits, the minimum age of 15 years to drive with this type of vehicle, or that the movement of more than one person in the same personal mobility vehicle, or the use of headphones or mobile phones are not allowed.
The Councilor for Citizen Security of Roses, Joan Plana, remarks that " Roses City Council is one of the few councils that, in the absence of general regulations, chose to take on its own regulations. Subsequently, the DGT approved finally a general regulation that goes exactly in the same line that the municipal ordinance of Roses, fact that allows us to have a regulation perfectly updated and supported by the sectorial legislation. "
Another measure that will soon be applied to the municipality, both by the municipal will to pacify traffic and by the new guidelines of the DGT, which also go in the same direction , is the progressive reduction of the maximum speed allowed to 30 km / has all the urban routes of the population, fact that will also facilitate the circulation of VMP and bicycles.