The rosinc Alberto Fernández returns to take the reins of the Club de Pesca Esportiva Roses-La Perola
At the end of the term, on January 4, and as happens in other clubs, entities and associations, both sporting, social and economic, no candidacy was submitted. "Then, encouraged by some members and seeing that with just before the deadline for nominations, I decided to apply because we could not let the club disappear after 10 years," said Alberto Fernandez, who will chair the entity for the next four years.
And to form the new Board “I started calling club members with the aim of bringing the club together, so that everyone is involved in their field, and that all the work does not fall on one person, as happened years ago ”, said Fernández with a use of reason, as he himself chaired the Roses La Perola Sport Fishing Club for 7 years (2011-2017).
Thus, the new Board of the CPE Roses La Perola is composed by Alberto Fernández as president; Jordi Segura, the only one who continues from the previous Board, as vice president; José Antonio Gonzalez and Vicente Torres as Secretaries; Francesc Pajares and Sergi Gimenez as Treasurers; and Ruben Piedad and Antonio Santacruz as Vocals. A new Board that has wanted to "thank the previous one very much for its commitment and the work done during its 4 years of mandate, they have done a work of 10!".
New season of the Social Surfcasting League
As for the new fishing season, the CPE Roses La Perola plans to organize this year, as long as the restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic allow it, which would be the XII Social Surfcasting League, which would consist of 10 trials, a Face Fishing Open at the Sant Pere Pescador festival and a second Open, this solidarity one, for the benefit of the Roses Contra el Càncer Foundation.
Facing the official competitions at the national level, the Roses La Perola Sport Fishing Club will be present if they take place, as last year only the Catalan Surfcasting Veterans Championship could be held.
And it is that the Covid-19 is also affecting, like the rest of the whole society, the fishing club rosinc, which to be able to realize the events foreseen last year stopped to enter some very necessary money pe to the treasury of a small and modest club such as CPE Roses La Perola. All this, says Alberto Fernández, "the club enjoys good financial health and therefore this year we hope to develop a season without problems in this regard."