Roses confirms the rating "three flowers of Honor" in the announcement Villas Floridas 2017
The town of Roses is involved in this project since the first edition, which already got a flower of Honor. In recent years, the work carried out by the council in terms of landscaping and management of green areas, has improved the rating to 3 flowers Honor today.
Among the tasks performed during this time, is the replacement planting and gardening in different parks and roundabouts of the town, planting new trees and their replacement in case of diseased trees or incompatible with the environment for other species better adaptability to the diversity of plant species incorporating seasonal plants bloom in spring and summer periods, as well as the incorporation of species that require low water consumption, among others.
Another highlight are the actions to improve the efficiency of water resources through measures such as the reduction of lawn surfaces or installation of new irrigation systems tele managed, allowing maintenance gardening municipality m effective and sustainable.
The criteria for establishing the final assessment of the distinctions Villas Floridas hsón: plant heritage and landscape, environment and sustainability activities, tourism and communication. In the section of town, there are currently 113 people belonging to the program, 11 of which recognized with four flowers Honor, 48 with three flowers Honor, 48 with two flowers of Honor and six municipalities with a Flower Honor.
The announcement Villas Florida is an initiative of the Confederation of Ornamental Horticulture of Catalonia (CHOC), which recognizes the work done by Catalan towns and cities in improving their green spaces and gardens. The aim of this initiative is the promotion of urban green spaces and their sustainable management, as well as improving the quality of life of residents, and social awareness towards environmental sustainability policies.